Postern Park Farmhouse,


Restoration of a large detached property with a classical early 18th Century façade in the Kent countryside.

As a Listed Building of considerable character there was a clear need to ensure that the restoration of the house could be undertaken without harming the historic fabric of the property. A detailed appraisal of the history of the building and its heritage was undertaken to understand the key features and characteristics that supported its listing and ensure that the proposed works responded to these.  

The house had been in the same family ownership for many decades - many rooms had not been inhabited for some time and the fabric of the house had deteriorated considerably.  The aim of the project was to recover the house from a dilapidated condition and to restore as a modern family home, whilst maintaining the qualities and historic characteristics of the building.

A strategy for the repair and renovation of the house and outbuildings was developed to meet both objectives. Expert advice was taken on heritage matters and the structural condition of the property to ensure that any failings were identified and that an appropriate means to resolve the structural integrity of the building was implemented.

The repair and restoration of the internal and external fabric of the building, amendments to the internal layout, the addition of extensions, the removal of unsightly outbuildings and the extension of the garden area, together with the re-routing of the access drive to create a formal approach to the House, were supported by the District Council and Heritage Teams.

The work to the house was a real labour of love – it now takes pride of place in this historic landscape.  

Photograph Credit: aice Architects Ltd.


Temple Grove, East Sussex


Historic House Refurbishment, East Sussex