Sharnfold Farm
KLW has been working with their client over two phases of development at Sharnfold Farm in Eastbourne to develop a new residential community.
Sharnfold is a large ‘pick your own’ farm that lies to the north of the A27, at Stone Cross in East Sussex. The site accommodates a farm shop, butcher, tearoom, and includes a range of fishing lakes and redundant barns.
KLW has managed a full range of technical work and appraisals within the disciplines of landscape and visual impact assessment, ecology appraisals and mitigation, transport assessment and mitigation, archaeological appraisals, arboriculture assessment, heritage appraisals and related planning and design appraisals.
The combination of this work informed our development of a site wide masterplan framework covering: Site Constraints, Land Use Considerations, Site Opportunities, and a Concept Masterplan Framework. The new framework supports the provision of a mixed-use development of approximately four hundred houses with ancillary offices, community buildings and a commercial / business / arts centre.
As part of the promotion of the site an outline planning application for 31 houses was lodged. The scheme was approved on appeal with the Inspector confirming that the location within the Low Weald was / is a sustainable location for growth. Following this the Council’s Draft Regulation 18 Plan allocated a further portion of the site for 89 houses.
Work continues with live promotions on the remainder of the site to encourage a masterplan led approach for its comprehensive redevelopment with circa 400 new homes that will be integrated with complementary and supporting uses including a shop, butcher, café, recreational offer, and improvements to bus stops.
The Council’s approval for the new arts / creative / business centre through the conversion and extension of the barn complex in the middle of the site further enhances the sustainability of the ‘offer’.
